Ethic Programs Should Make It Specific Research Paper

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Make it specific. Ethic programs should target specific behavior and keep being enforced. Clear examples of ethical situations should be shown to workers and have them describe how they would go about handling the situation. This will help them to start thinking ethically. Make it a two-way conversation. This program will have the employee sit down with another person and be asked questions. The employee will then be shown or explained the most ethical way to handle the situation if their response wasn’t ethical. The training sessions are completely confidential, this will allow the employee to be open with their answers. Make it interactive. Making the program interactive is the most effective way employees can learn. They learn firsthand on how to make better ethical decisions. If an employee makes a wrong decision then it will be easy for them to learn from the mistake and fix it for the next time. Make it memorable and situational. Other companies offer online training, with quizzes to help them understand ethics and the way it can be implied. If the employee doesn't do well on the quizzes, then they will be asked to repeat the training and see if they can perform better. …show more content…

Whether the company wants to use case studies or interactive presentations, the employees listening should be shown the examples of good and bad ethical behavior. Along with the examples they will be explained and be shown the impacts of such behaviors. For example, I had an opportunity of working with MCI (formerly WorldCom) as part of the internal controls team that was chartered to rebuild the company. Besides the usual ethics training programs and webinars, we wanted to implement an interactive training initiative so that employees had an opportunity to apply their understanding of ethics. It included an ethics board game where participants had opportunities to react to case studies and define next steps”(Doxey,

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