Ethical Decision Making Scenarios Analysis: Moviemax

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Ethical Decision Making: Scenario’s Analysis I. Analysis of Case Study One This scenario involves visiting the local movie theater called MovieMax. The purpose of the visit is to get information about intensive fire incidence that MovieMax experienced last night. However, the theater’s current employees, including the supervisor who is accused to initiate the fire, are my closest friends, which can cause an ethical issue. The ethical issue that is pertinent in this situation is interviewing individuals who are your close friends and accused to take a part the fire burning theater, which can lead to personal bias. According to the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics (SPJ) (1996), journalists should present integrity while reporting …show more content…

The pertinent ethical issue in this situation is the issue of disseminating incomplete part of the story to the public. This clearly means that the tendency of Reid to print the story will result to the issue of reporting a story without accuracy and verification. SPJ Code of Ethics (1996) asserted that journalists or reporters should tell the truth and be accountable for their information. This clearly shows that if Reid prints the story, he can disseminates inaccurate and unverified information because information he has gathered differ from what people are claiming. Therefore, the following are my advices to help him print the information as soon as possible. Firstly, Reid needs to understand and admits that whatever happens, he will tell the truth to avoid “agenda setting”, which can lead to dissemination of inaccurate information. Secondly, he can find the contact information or message the witness to the raid (the person who tweeted the contrary message) via twitter or phone call to get a clearly picture of what happened. This will help him to draw an effective conclusion about adding the fact in the story as well as helping him to pursue SPJ standard practice of being accountable so that Reid can “Admit mistakes and correct them promptly” (SPJ Code of …show more content…

The purpose of the interview is to get information that will be highlighted in the article featuring the fair. However, the manager ends up providing free tickets for me personally and my friends, which can be considered as an indirect the price or payment for showcasing information about the fair. The pertinent ethical issue in this scenario is providing gifts to journalists in order to report a given story. This is an ethical dilemma because it may influence the reporter, especially me to report for personal interest of getting free tickets rather than reporting to inform the public truth information about the fair. SPJ Code of Ethics (1996) asserted “Journalists should be free of obligation to any interest other than the public’s right to know”. This clearly responds to the dilemma in this scenario because it shows that, in this case, I should ensure setting up the interview with fair’s manager and preserve “professional integrity” by rejecting the free offer. To respond to Roger’s email, particularly to his offer of free tickets to the fair, I should first thank him for his generosity to give me free tickets. Second, remind him that they are set of standards that reporters should exhibit that do not allow to accept free offers. Last, I will take the initiative to be open to him that I cannot accept the offer because free offering for writing