Ethical Issues Concerning Stem Cell Research

998 Words4 Pages

Rapid progress in biotechnology has introduced ethical and social issues in stem cell research. When embryonic stem cell research started, it has been immense debate on its social, moral and ethical value. But stem cell research started it work with great hope for healthcare in spite of these issues. This review article is on literature review of stem cell, its importance in medical field also its ethical implications in healthcare field. Role of Canadian print media discourse related to stem cell research will also be discussed. We shall discuss the ethical value of an embryo and how it is helpful in medical field. This review will recognize the issues which should be informed in future and will developing social discourse surrounding stem cell research. In this review, we overview of the mist important issues on stem cell research. Study of multipotent stem cells has raised new questions and importance. Stem cell research and their applications need particular attention because stem cell research in both scientifically and ethically challenging, both applications of exiting framework and careful considerations of new ethical implications are necessary as this broad and diverse field moves toward.
Key words
Stem cell research. Moral status. risks. Policy.applications.Ethical issues. …show more content…

Stem cells regenerate the organs and tissues in the body as they are central utility and repair units of human body( Shirley S et al 2008) millions of people suffer and die every year by many incurable diseases like Parkinson’s disease, heart, liver pancreas and many other organs( Anne McLaren 2001).Human embryonic stem cells can play a vital role in treating of many incurable diseases such as AIDS, diabetes and Parkinson’s diseases (Johnso A