Ethical Issues Of Sweatshops

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Introduction Sweatshops make up the behind the scenes of most wealthy companies; however, this common practice is especially unethical for the employees. The United States General Accounting Office defines a sweatshop as a business that regularly violates both wage or child labor and safety or health laws. Sweatshops offer unfair wages for unreasonable hours, while also maintaining extremely poor working conditions. Employees, whom are sometimes even children, are vulnerable and desperate for a job. Their need for employment inhibits them from realizing the deteriorating state of their health and safety. These practices are inexcusable considering the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was established in 1948. It is nearly one hundred years later, and humans are still being subjected to harsh and inhumane conditions. This issue needs to be addressed in terms of sweatshops in especially underdeveloped countries; they lack the political organization and stability needed to abolish this issue on their own. Developed countries have recognized the lack of ethics concerning sweatshops; moreover, most have instituted legislation that bans sweatshop labor. Labor laws that prohibit sweatshops protect vulnerable and impoverished citizens. Underdeveloped countries lack the organization and stability to ban the horrendous sweatshop practice. Seeing as developed countries hold key roles concerning international politics, the question of instituting international legislation must be