Whistleblowing Essay

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4.1.2 a. Whistle Blowing:

A whistleblower is a person who tells the public or someone in authority about alleged dishonest or illegal activities occurring in a government department, a public or private organisation or a company. A Whistleblower is characterized as reluctant dissenters moved neither by altruistic nor selfish concerns, but rather by tide of events over which they feel they have little control. (Buckna & Kleiner 2001) refers to a whistleblower as a person who exposes falsehood and corruption although he or she is aware of the potential negative outcomes of this act, which may include loss of job. The whistle blowers are vulnerable not only to organisational reprisal but also to the chastisement at the hands of other organizational members, organisational members react and most likely show retaliation against whistle blower. Thus, whistleblowing is not a risk-free decision or initiative for any individual as it can entail direct and undesired consequences for the person raising voice against some wrongdoing. Whistleblowers can be considered as ethical consistent employees who disclose in good faith unethical practices within the workplace, thereby expecting investigation of the disclosure.

When an employee feels that his/her firm is restoring to some act that is unethical or harmful to public, he/she “blows the whistle” by reporting alleged organisational misconduct to the public or to top executives. Whistle blowing refrains the firm from indulging in