Prokaryotes Vs Eukaryotes Essay

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There are many structural differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes that prove eukaryotes to be far more advanced than prokaryotes.The “focal point” for this assignment is on both types of cells and exploration of their structures proving why eukaryotes are more progressive than prokaryotes.

The variance among the structures of prokaryotes and eukaryotes is considered to be the most important distinction between groups of organisms. The major difference between eukaryotes and prokaryotes is that eukaryotes have their DNA contained within a “TRUE” nucleus, while the genetic material in prokaryotes is not membrane-enclosed. The nuclear membrane is important as it provides protection for the genetic material; it also provides protection against Ultraviolet light, which in turn allows them to be in the sunlight. This protection is important as it also protects against any mutations or damage due to light.
Prokaryotes exist of a cell wall with DNA inside it, eukaryotes have major internal organization. As is the case with the nucleus, by employing a systematized system that separates different activities into discrete areas …show more content…

It is only used for moving forward in prokaryotic cells, whilst in eukaryotes these flagella are made up of many filaments which thus make them far more complex in structure and for only just movement like in eukaryotes. These eukaryotic flagella also have microtubules in them which stretch far longer than their own length. The cytoskeleton of eukaryotes has many functions. One of them is served in prokaryotes by the cell wall. These very different structures have the same function. The cytoskeleton of the eukaryote holds the cell together, and keeps the membrane from disintegrating. The cell wall in the prokaryote gives structure and support. Prokaryotes need the cell walls to give them shape, as they do not have a supporting skeleton on the inside (Jiskha Homework

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