European Imperialism In The 1800s

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Imperialism, or a country taking land outside its borders, allowed the European nations to promote their ideas and influence on a global scale, which started with Africa. Between 1500 and 1800, Europeans avoided the interior of Africa and focused on western coastal trade. In later years, the 1800s, European nations imperialized the country and set up the “rule of occupation.” Their conquests spared only two independent African countries, Liberia and Ethiopia. So what caused this sudden change from European coastal trade to imperialism in Africa? The motives for European imperialism varied but had common factors: a sense of a moral duty, political competition, and economics. Moral duty, or more specifically White Man’s Burden, involved the belief that Europeans had an obligation to benefact uncivilized people. Through a poem, Rudyard Kipling told the …show more content…

Political competition and power were related driving causes for imperialism in Africa. In 1870, John Ruskin, an English intellectual, asked the youths of England if they would "advance the power of England by land and by sea" through the colonization of "every piece of fruitful waste ground she [England] can set her foot on" (Document B). In Germany 1879, Freidrich Fabri, an influential German author, stated: “It would be wise if we Germans would learn about colonial skills from our Angelo-Saxon [British] cousins and would begin- in a friendly competition- to strive after them” (Document B). The competition for power between England and Germany was evident; both the English and Germans wanted to expand their influence worldwide and overpower other nations. The phrase “advance the power of England by land and by sea” represents England’s devotion to imperialism, which, eventually, led to their success in Africa. Germany’s admiration for this colonial achievement fueled their desire for imperial power. These nations’ determination for world domination and greatness created political competition in