Euthanasi A War Between Morality And Rights

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Euthanasia: A War Between Morality and Rights
Netherlands, Belgium, Colombia, United States, Canada, Luxembourg, and the Australian state Victoria all have one thing in common: the legality of euthanasia and assisted suicide. According to the Merriam Webster, euthanasia “is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals in a relatively painless way”. Nevertheless, euthanasia and assisted suicide are controversial topics in our society. There is a divided opinion on what is the “moral” thing to do when it comes to euthanasia or assisted suicides. Furthermore, n this research I will present premises on why euthanasia and assisted suicides should be legal.
Back in the 90’s, Sue Rodriguez, a Canadian …show more content…

If a person such a Rodriguez wants to end her life she should be allow to do so. Furthermore, euthanasia should only be allowed to those patients suffering from diseases such as ALS in which death is inevitable. If each person has the right to live, then we should be able to have the right to when we want to end our lives. For instance, people suffering with terminal illness would most likely want to have the right to end their lives. These people can decide how they want to spend their final days with their loves ones as well as die in a painless …show more content…

The argument on why euthanasia should be legal is a valid argument because it presents accurate premises. All of the premises are true which makes the argument sound as well. However, since this topic has much to do with morality and ethics, it depends on each individual’s perspective if the argument is valid and sound.

On the other hand, there is an opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide. For instance, the main counter point that people deliver when opposing to euthanasia is religion. According to the Vatican Ecumenical Council, it condemns “crimes against life such as euthanasia”. Meaning that, there is a wide range of people against euthanasia due to their religious beliefs. Subsequently, another reason why people are against euthanasia is the idea that people would take advantage of this method in order to end their lives without actually having a life threating