Assess The Difference Between Voluntary And Non Voluntary Euthanasia

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Nowadays euthanasia mainly defined as the resort to procedures that allow causing painless death to a human being who wishes or allegedly wishes to die.
The issue of euthanasia is a multidimensional one. The intense conflicts and controversial opinions among doctors, lawyers, psychologists, illustrate the complexity of the issue. Among them, some accept euthanasia as a redemption and relief from the pain and suffering while others condemn it as a combination of murder and suicide. Others say that euthanasia cannot be established but cannot be dismissed as a human request.
Euthanasia is distinguished, depending on whether the dying gives her consent, into three types: voluntary, involuntary and non-voluntary.
 Voluntary euthanasia is the deliberate administration of doctor drugs or implementing other medical acts that lead to the patient’s death. For this act explicit requirement and complete positive consent of the patient is required.
 Involuntary euthanasia, the person comes to an end without her demand and her opposition to euthanasia. This act is and should be illegal.
 Non-voluntary euthanasia, is the same as the previous two, but …show more content…

Does this prolongation of life, its quality and the type of life of the patient justify the effort has been done? How can we assess the quality and the kind of life? When we talk about prolonging life, how do we count its value? How much does a month or a year worth? When the medical makes extraordinary efforts to extend the life of an incurable patient, does it take into account her chronological age? Euthanasia is a problem of value conflict, keeping a patient in life is often in conflict with other values, such as the wishes of the patient, personal perceptions of