Euthanasia Is Wrong Essay

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With advances in medicine, doctors began to play a larger role at the deathbed. Euthanasia is known as the practice of deliberately ending a life that releases an individual from an unbearable disease or unbearable suffering. This mercy killing is often stated as an easy and painless death. Although some argue that euthanasia is unnecessary, there are many better alternatives. Others are concerned that euthanasia leads to increasingly killing. Indeed, it is likely that the euthanasia leads to many deaths in our hospitals. However, this should not be seen as a problem. Rather, our medicine improves; people should look at the benefit of euthanasia with less pain and suffering as possible. In addition, There are several forms of euthanasia, involving willing, and accidental. Euthanasia is states to deliberate termination of a patient’s life upon that person’s explicit and direct request. No voluntary euthanasia occurs when the patient is unconscious or incompetent and is thus unable to make a decision. …show more content…

Furthermore, these people argue that the need for such end-of-life decisions can be eliminated with the provision of appropriate palliative care and the effective use of pain control medication. In addition, patients may request euthanasia because of experiencing hopelessness and depression rather than acute physical pain. Otherwise, the patients may feel forced to alleviate their families from unnecessary burden. Finally, many opponents claim that the sanctity of human life overrules concerns of personal autonomy and that the protection of human life should be of paramount importance in end-of-life medical