Evaluate How Social Work Policies Theories And Legislation Are Put Into Practice

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Analysis and evaluation of how social work policies, theories, and legislation are put into practice

Social workers work with a variety of client groups including older people; young offenders; people with learning, physical disabilities and mental health conditions; people with alcohol, drug or other substance misuse problems; refugees and asylum seekers; people socially excluded; families at risk of breakdown; children who are at risk of abuse or negligence; foster carers and adopters. This assignment will focus on the different areas of social work; the Standards of Proficiency for Social Workers; Anti-discriminatory practices; Application of Human development theories into the social work practices; legislation related to foster and adopters social workers.
Social workers have set of Standards of Proficiency to regulate and help the professionals to work more efficiently and protect the public. Every standard has its interpretation and is essential to understand what the regulators expect from these professionals.
Standard 5.1 - As social workers, there is a need to consider the culture, inequalities, disadvantages, and discriminations of the service users. …show more content…

But different children have different needs, so the carer should think about changing the method to accommodate children that need extra time or support. More example of discrimination is when adult presume children cannot exercise their rights for themselves because they are not old enough. It is frequently assumed that age restrictions are the best way of achieving the good decision making, even if some children might achieve ability at an earlier age and others accomplish this

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