Evaluating Personal Responsibility In The Film Wall-E

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Personal responsibility is having the ability to make a connection with choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making. Wall-E will be used to evaluate the personal responsibility that is presented in the film. Wall-E is a story of how humans have traveled to space to have a substantial place of living, where everything will be provided to them at their fingertips. It’s a place of paradise for humans. Humans have left the ravaged earth by their overconsumption. Wall-E is the only functioning robot/machinery that is left in the 700 years since the humans have left for Axiom. Eva was sent by the Axiom whose only directive was to find plant life on earth on which upon finding was their way back home. The BNL was what had helped …show more content…

Another point is when the BNL had ordered the robot to go into autopilot mode. The captain had wanted to go back to earth and start a new life again. Humans had allowed technology to control their lives and basically do their everyday tasks for them. They cannot even get out their beds or when Wall-E had bumped into the guy and he has fallen off the chair and Wall-E had helped him get back on this chair. Originally this is what robots were to do but since they were given more power, they have taken over the human race. The captain has had enough of the autopilot and this is where humans gain back their control of themselves and things. Once they come out of those boxes of perfectness they obtain a sense of reality. All the humans are controlled by technology and they do what they say. Technology and humans should have equal power in which neither is overpowering and trying to take over the other. Humans should not be so dependent on technology. In conclusion, BNL had merely just provided what the humans really wanted but in a much faster and efficient way, but humans had become so dependent on technology. That technology took over humans, which they should not have let