Evangelical Christians And The Ecological Crisis

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Ecological Crisis: To Ignore or to Fix
Although Evangelical Christians are unwavering in their viewpoints on certain issues such as abortion, which is considered immoral, and homosexuality, considered being against the bible’s teachings, some sects have opposing viewpoints on ecological issues such as climate change. The issue on global warming seems to be split down the middle with Evangelical Christians. Part of the preachers and congregations believe that people should not be “hugging trees” and “worshiping the creation”, they should be worshipping the creator of the Earth (Falwell Jerry). While the other part of the preachers, such as Reverend Joel Hunter, and their congregations believe that humans need to recognize that global warming and other ecological issues are indeed our fault due to the ways we live. Although there are two different viewpoints concerning global warming and ecological issues, whether some ignore it, or others make a call to action to stop its destruction, both sides use different interpretations of verses from the bible in order to prove their …show more content…

The general idea held by the congregation is that there is no need to worry about the environment because the environment is in God’s hands. This viewpoint can be supported and defended with bible verses such as Genesis 1:31 which states, “God saw everything he had made, and it, indeed was very good” (Genesis 1:31). Reverend Falwell would employ this quote in regards to global warming and ecological crisis. He would defend this quote by saying that God made the world how it was supposed to be, and therefore nothing is wrong with it because it is created and maintained by God himself. Although scientific research proves that global warming is indeed happening on the Earth, Reverend Falwell would place his faith in God and the bible over the cold hard facts shown by