
Everything Will Be Okay By James Maye

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CLAIM: In the short story, “Everything will be okay,” by James Howe, James, the main character, finds a sick cat and wants it as a pet. He names it Smokey. His family finds out and takes it to his family. His brother, who works as a vet, has to kill it. James, in “Everything will be okay” by James Howe, follows his family’s lead in the beginning, but after his brother, Paul, has to put the cat down, he chooses to follow his own self conscience.

First, in the short story, “Everything will be okay,” by James Howe, James follows his family’s lead in the beginning. First of all the main character finds a sick kitten. First of all, the author writes “‘Everything will be okay’ I’m going to take you home, and my mom will give
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