Evidence Based Critique Framework

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Patient’s care depends on nurses’ ability to detect change and prevent patient deterioration. This ability comes by maintaining professional development, supporting and evaluating practice through research activities, and applying evidence based knowledge to practice (Nursing Council of New Zealand, 2007). Barker’s (2013) critique framework will be used to identify strengths and limitation of both research articles, followed by evaluation for relevance and potential implementation for nursing practice within the New Zealand context, as well as looking at the perceptive of Kaupapa Maori practice.
A quantitative research article titled: “The primacy of vital signs- Acute care nurses’ and midwives’ use of physical assessment skills: A cross-sectional …show more content…

The study included literature of recent origin from 2011 to 2014, related to the area of study (Ingham-Broomfield, 2011). Key words and database were not identified.
Ethical approval was obtained from the relevant research ethics committee (Coughlan et al., 2007).
The study used a single-centre, cross-sectional survey design using a questionnaire, to collect data. The sample size was appropriate for the study. Which improves accuracy ( Ingham-Broomfield, 2011).Study results were presented in tables with explanations defining findings giving clarity (Osborne et al., 2015).
Strengths of the study are that all researchers are employed in the health education system, suggesting authors have clinical knowledge, experience and research skills. Another strength is the use of single-centre and cross-sectional survey which provided more data. This is valuable for validity and reliability of the study. The sample size consisted of 434 registered nurses and midwives giving greater accuracy and relevant to study. Literature utilised by researchers provided relevant studies by reputable researchers from various countries. Finally, the survey design was cost …show more content…

This ongoing training will enhance nurses’ development of observational skills, knowledge of normal and abnormal vital signs, early warning signs (EWS) tool correct use and physical assessment. This will improve patient quality of care, prevent deterioration and improve patient safety (Atkinson, 2013). Thus, by providing ongoing training in New Zealand hospitals will enhance nurses’ development and care for