Evidence-Based Psychiatric Practice

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Evidence-based psychiatric practice(EBPP) Evidence-based psychiatric practice (EBPP) is a broad term referring to clinical practice that is informed by evidence about interventions and considers patient needs, values, and preferences and their integration in determining individual care. EBPP uses evidence-based medicine (EBM) to assess the quality of evidence relevant to the risks and benefits of treatments (including lack of benefit). According to the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, “Evidence-based medicine is the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients”. Multiple Types of Research Evidence 1. Clinical observation (including individual case studies) and …show more content…

Systematic case studies are particularly useful when aggregated—as in the form of practice research networks—for comparing individual patients with others with similar characteristics. 4. Single-case experimental designs are particularly useful for establishing causal relationships in the context of an individual. 5. Public health and ethnographic research are especially useful for tracking the availability, utilization, and acceptance of mental health treatments. 6. Process–outcome studies are especially valuable for identifying mechanisms of change. 7. Studies of interventions as these are delivered in naturalistic settings (effectiveness research) are well suited for assessing the ecological validity of treatments. 8. RCTs and their logical equivalents (efficacy research) are the standard for drawing causal inferences about the effects of interventions (context of scientific verification). 9. Meta-analysis is a systematic means to synthesize results from multiple studies, test hypotheses, and quantitatively estimate the size of effects. How to practice evidence –based psychiatry There is 5 step in applying evidence base practice (medicine process) Step 1 Formulate the question It is begins with a clinical question, which involve issues related …show more content…

1-Clinical Expertise Team of expert psychiatric nursing clinicians dealing with patients with schizophrenia who hear auditory hallucinations. They start the research in 1992, the interventions for auditory hallucinations at that time were limited to psychiatric medication and reality orientation such as in therapeutic communication they evaluate the evidence and decided more research-based interventions they needed for auditory hallucinations. 2-Theory/models They select two guides for their research : 1) the symptom management model 2) self-control of psychotic symptoms model These models provide a powerful patient-centered framework for assessments, interventions and evaluation of patient outcomes related to hearing voices. This include : patients as partners in treatment and assume they are experts about their symptoms and the management of their symptoms. Focusing as partners increases patient empowerment and leads to the recovery