
Evolution Vs Creationism In Schools Analysis

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Richard Shaw
Religion 201:001
Evolution versus Creationism in Schools When it comes to deciding what should be taught in public schools concerning the creation of man and the universe, creationism has no place nor does it further the knowledge of the topic. This is not a disclaimer stating that the Bible is false but that it is a mistake to look at the bible as an accurate source of history or science. In an essay by Daniel K. Falk, a biblical scholar, titled, “Teaching Evolution Versus Creationism” shows that he would also agree with the statement. Falk focuses on Genesis 1-2 and examines its teaching about creation and the origin of life through a literary perspective, historical and cultural context, and how the Bible …show more content…

He begins by comparing the two. They both differ in the sequence of events and the environment in which they occur. In Genesis 1 it took 6 days for God to turn dark watery chaos into light, sky and water, land and vegetation, sun and moon, birds and fish, and finally animals and the entire human race (referred to as Adam) (Genesis 1:1-31). Whereas in Genesis 2 it took 1 day for God to turn a dry and empty desert into an oasis and a singular man, named Adam. He is created first to till the land for God so a garden can then be planted (Genesis 2:2-8). He also identifies how humans are presented differently between the two. In the first story, man is the final product, the pinnacle of creation made in God’s image. Contrasted with the second story where man is created as a servant of God and that they are dangers in trying to overstep one’s station. Looking at the two different stories of creation he concludes that they differ in origin, meaning, style, and experiences of being in the world. They contradict each other, only functioning as a way for understanding life and not so much how it started. He then examines the two stories through a cultural and historical …show more content…

I, however, will be looking at the differences between the two. To know the similarities the differences must also be known. In the Enuma Elish Gods are identified with nature, Tiamat a primordial goddess of the oceans and Marduk a storm god (Flannery, lecture). In Genesis, God is the creator, separate from nature, a truly divine being. Genesis also accounts for the creation of vegetation, animals, the sun and light while the Enuma Elish omits it. The Enuma Elish only explains the creation of man and the world through battles and conflict, “Their bodies reared up and none could withstand their attack. She set up vipers and dragons, and the monster Lahamu, and hurricanes, and raging hounds, and scorpion-men, and mighty tempests, and fish-men, and rams; they bore cruel weapons, without fear of the fight” (King, Tablet 1). Next, I examine the Canaanite mythology and its influence on Genesis. “But God is my King from long ago; he brings salvation on the earth. It was you who split open the sea by your power; you broke the heads of the monster in the waters. It was you who crushed the heads of Leviathan and gave it as food to the creatures of the desert. It was you who opened up springs and streams; you dried up the ever-flowing rivers. The day is yours, and yours also the night; you established the sun and moon. It was you who set all the boundaries of the

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