
Example Of A Qualitative Paper

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In this research, I investigate the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech at the United Nations General Assembly on September 29, 2014. The main purpose behind this research was ……. This study analyzes the language use in Netanyahu's speech. I investigate how ideology influenced Netanyahu's speech using qualitative research and by applying critical discourse analysis. The main method of CDA used in the analysis were Discourse Historical Approach, argumentation strategies and the role of social factors. CDA's purpose in this study was to expose how language use in the analyzed speech manipulated power and ideology…………

Keywords: political speech, Critical Discourse Analysis, Ideology, discursive strategies


Critical discourse analysis is widely adopted method to analyze spoken or written materials. For example, news articles, political speeches, novels, advertisements, movies, essays or books. CDA first originated in Britain in 1980s. The analysis of political speeches is beneficial in order to reveal the biased language and raise the readers' consciousness of the way through which language is manipulated. Admittedly, political speeches are embedded with hidden ideologies and manipulated discourse structures.

Research Problem …show more content…

That was why I decided to analyze one of these speeches using discourse analysis CDA. The purpose of applying CDA in the research was to expose how language use in the analyzed speech reflects the agenda and the ideology of Netanyahu policy. CDA as explained by Wodak (2009) investigates critically social inequality as it is expressed and legitimized by language use. Furthermore, as a Palestinian , I wanted to question issues of credibility and representations of the truth, and to explore how language in Netanyahu's speech is used to promote hater and

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