Qualitative And Mixed Method Paper

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Within the professional field of counseling there are three means of conducting research. These methods consists of the quantitative method, the qualitative method, and the mixed method. Although the mixed method has been around for a while, it was not until Campbell and Fiske’s study that brought the mixed method into the spotlight (Hanson, Creswell, Plano Clark, Petska, & Creswell, 2005). The mixed method basically consist of using both the quantitative and qualitative methods as a collaborative means of collecting data. By combining these two methods together in varies forms, Hanson (2005) provided six frameworks for mixed methods; sequential explanatory, sequential exploratory, sequential transformative, concurrent triangulation, concurrent nested, and concurrent transformative. …show more content…

Within the sequential exploratory design the qualitative method is generally applied first with the quantitative method following it. Also, according to Hanson (2005), the sequential exploratory design is useful when it comes to exploring relationships, similar to Torres’ study, in which the priority is unequal with the focus being more in the qualitative data. Conversely, with Torres study the qualitative method was used first through semi structured interviews followed by a cultural consensus analysis. As a means of collecting data, the timing of data collection that was used was the recording data method. With this method the participants were tape-recorded during their interviews in which their behaviors and responses were being