Example Of An Epithets Essay

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a. Epithets Epithets are briefs but forceful burst of emotional language. They are some powerful in presentation (loudness or duration) and it offensiveness than the other types of cursing. The epithets are uttered from frustration, as when you hit your hand with hammer. Example of epithets would be: “shit”, “damn”, “hell”, “fuck you”.
b. Profanity Profanity is religion related term, which is “based on the church’s distinction between secular and religious speech” (Jay, 1992:3). Jay writes, “To be profane means to be secular or to be ignorant or intolerant of the guidelines of a particular religious order, but profanity is not a direct attack on the church or religion” (Jay, 1992:3). The range of it is wide, from a mild hell or damn to a more emphatic goddamn. Example of profanity is like, “For the love of Christ, get off the phone!”, “Jesus Christ I’m hungry”.
c. Blasphemy A blasphemy is an attack on a religious doctrine. While profanity is related to secular or indifferent (to religion), blasphemy aims directly …show more content…

These words are spoken to harm other person by the word alone. These insults and slurs do not necessarily gain their powers from the religious sanctions or social taboos. They gain their power by denoting real or imagined characteristics or the target. Slurs may be facial, ethnic, or social in nature and may indicates or stereotyping or prejudice of the speaker. Insult may denote the physical, mental, or psychological qualities of the target and are commonly heard on the school playground. They both function to hurt the person directly though the particular word or phrases. Each of these insults and slurs is intended to hurt the listener. Members of the ethnic group on the other hand, may use these terms within their group as terms of endearment or in joking terms. Members outside the group would be less likely to have the use of such language to interpret as jokes or terms of endearment (Jay