Example Of Qualitative Observation Paper

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This chapter provides an overview of the methodological approach carried out to investigate how collaboration between preschool and primary school teachers benefit the transition process for children. It also explains why the methods chosen were considered to be the most productive in order to highlight the research question. In addition, following on from the ecological systems model (Bronfenbrenner, 1979; Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 1998) this study aims to take a qualitative approach throughout the research process. The study investigated the views of the two groups of teachers involved in the process, and also investigated the views from a parent’s perspective. This study was specifically concerned with the views of a preschool practitioner, a teacher from a junior infant class and a parent. The study was experimental in nature, the predominant aim was to provide an information base on collaboration between preschool and primary school teachers, and to improve …show more content…

Semi-structured interviews were conducted as part of this investigation. (See Appendix 3). Qualitative research is usually concerned with meaning, and in particular how people make sense of the world and how participants experience events from their perspective. In order to be meaningful, then the project of psychology has to have some means of theorizing within in the contexts in which they live. Qualitative researchers have demonstrated that qualitative methods, especially within longitudinal studies involving a series of informal semi-structured interview can reflect inconstancies and contradictions within and between individual’s accounts as an important focus for analysis, and this has been one of the advantages for discourse analysis (Willig,