Qualitative Study Approach To College Presidency

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In recent years, the pathway to college presidency has drastically changed. Traditionally, chief academic officers usually ascend to college presidency Martin & Samuels, (2015).. However, there has been an increase in senior student affairs officers securing college presidency across the county. Given the fact that many SSAOs are assuming college presidency, I believe it is critical to examine their experiences. The purpose of my qualitative study will be to examine the pathway of senior student officers to college presidency and their transitional experience.
The qualitative study will examine a sample of college president who ascend from a senior student officers position. The aim to provide a true picture of their transition, challenges, and level of satisfaction. Given these facts, I will use a single case study approach due because it will allow me gain a greater understanding the experiences of the sample. Additionally, a case study approach will allow to provide more descriptive details related to my study. A case study is an in-depth exploration of a bounded system such as an activity, event, process, or individuals (Creswell, 2015). I have deemed this approach to be appropriate because it will examine the pathway, which is the steps taken to achieve college presidency. It is the most effective way to gather and analyze data regarding …show more content…

For the sake of my study, in-depth interviews and questionnaires will be utilized in this study not only because it allows the participants to fully thoroughly express their thoughts, but permits to further engage in conversation when needed. When conducting interviews, you can ask participants open-ended questions so they can best voice their experiences unconstrained by any perspectives of the researcher or past research findings (Creswell,