Great Head Start Program And Its Impact On Young Children Entering Kindergarten

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Problem Statement

Great Start Readiness Program and Head Start programs have a large impact on young children who are entering Kindergarten. These children from birth to five years old that are at risk of educational failure. However, numerous of children have been exposed to an early learning environment before entering kindergarten. Children that has struggle with transitioning into kindergarten, those children have a difficult time listening and following directions, social, academics and working independently. (Steven Barnett & Jason T. Hustedt, 2005 )

Literature Review

“Early Childhood News” Acknowledges that kindergarten readiness transition is considered a problem. Due to lack of readiness of kindergarten children when entering the school system. According to the kindergarten teachers feedback they are concerned about children following directions, academics and working independently. This concerned creates a high demand for kindergarten teachers to collaborate with …show more content…

These techniques help teachers support children who will be attending kindergarten. Head start/GSRP will be providing activities that promotes kindergarten readiness before the child enter kindergarten. Teachers will provide transition activities for parents and children to transition into kindergarten smoothly. Preschool teachers highly recommend parents to take their children to meet the teacher and becoming familiar with their kindergarten classroom. Children must familiarize themselves with building changes, riding the school bus, classroom environment, lunch time as well as the lunch routine, to prepare children parents should reading books about going to kindergarten and riding the school bus. however, children who will be entering the kindergarten classroom will understand the daily routine. (P.,