Early Head Start Essay

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Have optimized social, verbal and cognitive development, which is maintained throughout the 1st year of school and beyond.
Clearly, long-term benefits can be reaped from preschool education programs and early childhood education. One researcher, Rose, in her article “An investment in decency” claims that for majority of children, preschool programs can imply the difference between passing and failing, special or regular education, getting involved in delinquency and crime or staying out of trouble, graduating or dropping out of high school.
Kids from impoverished surroundings tend to reap the most dramatic advantages from Preschool Education Programs. Through early education, teachers’ and parents’ expectations of the performance of their kids …show more content…

Recent research suggests that a variety of positive impacts accrue from this program. Participants earned higher scores on assessment of language and cognitive development and were less aggressive than the non-participants. The positive outcomes achieved by Early Head Start programs also include self-sufficiency via education activities, job training and approved parenting …show more content…

More coordination is required for the full range of Preschool Education Programs, (Moore, Children being failed in early years). Therefore, states should work in ensuring sufficient curricular development and teacher training. There should be the provision of full funding for similar programs and Head Start, as well as for the full-day pre-kindergarten in public schools, hence providing all the kids an opportunity of getting to school, while already ready to learn. Kids in child care should also have the chance of receiving quality age-effective