
Examples Of Bob Ewell Trial In To Kill A Mockingbird

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THE INTRODUCTION Good afternoon, my name is Nathan Nash, and it is my pleasure to represent the State of Maycomb and to serve as a prosecutor on this very important case. On November 21, 1935, the defendant in this matter, Bob Ewell attempted to get an innocent man charged with a malicious crime by making a false accusation against him. At the conclusion of the case, and after you have heard all the evidence, we are confident that you will return a verdict of guilty on the charge of making false statements
The citizens of my city, this case is about a man that was unable to see past his prejudices and attempted to do whatever was necessary to punish someone even if that meant intentionally lying.
Members of the jury, the State will review the evidence against Bob Ewell who let his anger and prejudices influence his decision to make false allegation against another man. While this man, Tom Robinson, was trying to be helpful and fix a door at the local store, Mr. Ewell was setting him up for false charges. Mr. Ewell reported, to the local sheriff, that during the time that he was fixing the door, Mr. Robinson engaged in sexual assault of Me. Ewell’s young daughter. It was later discovered that it was, in fact, Mr. Ewell himself that committed the crime and then lied to get Mr. Robinson …show more content…

Bob Ewell brought his daughter Mayella to court on August 26 to make sure Tom Robinsongots the final punishment of the electric chair. The defense may also want you to think that Bob Ewell would tell nothing but the truth but he lied only to make sure he would get in trouble for abusing his daughter. Members of the jury, the defense may claim that Bob Ewell was just trying to do the best for his daughter. However, Bob Ewell lied to the jury just to get justice and isn't going to go well in his

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