Examples Of Child Observation Paper

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Ali was referred by Ms. Julia because he is having behavior and social difficulties at school. He has been observed during three days, in different settings. The observations took place during English and Math, Arabic and music lessons, snack and recess. I wasn’t able to observe him during registration because he wasn’t in the class, although, he was already in school, he didn’t participate in the flag ceremony and came late to the class for registration.
This is the second year that Ali has been enrolled on Conditional Acceptance for academics and behavior.
Ali is smart boy who likes to socialize and individual attention, but he is showing academic difficulties and strong behavior problems, inside and outside the classroom, with all his teachers. These problems include inattentiveness, overactivity, impulsiveness, uncooperative behavior and …show more content…

The teachers have to constantly remind him to pay attention and to stay on task. Even though there is proof that he understands the content and what it’s needed to be done, he just doesn’t complete the task. His attention span is very short and he is constantly moving, jumping out of his seat and fidgeting with whatever he may find around him.
At the same time, Ali seems to act impulsively very frequently. It is difficult for him to control his emotions, especially when things don’t go his way. In class he is constantly interrupting and distracting others, by touching, pushing, hitting, kicking and insulting them, taking their things away and moving their chairs and tables. Even when he is seating at the front, by himself, he manage to interrupt and bother others. This behavior is highly disruptive for the rest of the students, who are trying to pay attention or to focus on their

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