
Examples Of Deception In Much Ado About Nothing

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Much Ado About Deceit
William Shakespeare is largely recognized as being the greatest playwright in history and as a result, has influenced many around the world. Much of his plays feature light-hearted comedy, dealing with deep-rooted issues, love, and death. A well-known comedy by Shakespeare is “Much ado About Nothing”, which centers around 2 couples who encounter several trials before they can tie the knot. The road to the alter for the 2 couples is not easy as the recurring theme of deceit is constantly endangering their relationships. Much action in the play features the use of deception, either intended for evil purposes or in a benevolent manner. The antagonist, Don John, uses deception as a means of revenge, while Don Pedro deceives Benedick and Beatrice as a way …show more content…

Antonio and Leonato confront Claudio for the “death” of Hero and Antonio blames Claudio saying that she has been “slander'd to death by villains” (5.1.88). It is later revealed in Act 5, Scene I that Hero’s chastity remains intact, and Don John was behind the horrendous lie. Claudio feels at fault for her death and says to Leonato, “Choose your revenge yourself; Impose me to what penance your invention can lay upon my sin: yet sinn'd I not but in mistaking” (5.1.261-264). Leonato devises a plan for Claudio to marry his niece who as he describes is almost a perfect copy of Hero. In Act 5, Scene IV it is revealed to everyone that the niece Claudio is set to marry is Hero, who is not dead. Leonato justifies his lie by stating, “She died, my lord, but whiles her slander lived” (5.4.69). Leonato’s use of deception differs from Don John’s because he lied to protect his daughter and bring justice to his name; similar to how Don Pedro paired Beatrice and Benedick together because he knew that they loved each other. “Much ado About Nothing” ends with a happy ending after being faced with deception, confusion between characters, and manipulation of the

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