Examples Of Deferred Sentencing

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There are other options to traditional prosecution besides simply filing charges. Examples include: diversion, differed prosecution, and deferred sentencing. Each of these strategies offers opportunities for offenders to fulfill some responsibility in exchange for the prosecutor’s decision to avoid or put off formal charges. The first one is called Diversion; the term refers to any number of informal methods of steering offenders out of the Criminal Justice system. (Siegel, Larry J. 207) An example of a Diversion is when a judge sentence a criminal to probation; he or she may feel that prison would do more harm than good for the criminal. So, the judge has to decide what the criminal should be diverted out of prison into an environment that …show more content…

Deferred sentencing also requires defendants to plead guilty to a crime, if they complete a diversion and or treatment program which is where their records will be obliterated. The DTAP is the drug treatment alternative to prison which started during the late nineteen- eighties in Brooklyn, New York. (Siegel, Larry J. 208) The goals of diversion are Avoidance of negative labeling and stigmatization, reduction of unnecessary social control and coercion, reduction of recidivism, provision of service (assistance), and reduction of justice system cost. My opinion for pre-charge diversion is that offenders from the system before they are charged I think the system can improve more by having them go through a process to make sure that they are fulling charge before going to court if they are charged there is no reason to try to get off their time that they committed. My second opinion for deferred prosecution I think the whole held off situation is taking up time that they need to be in jail. If they have to attend a program the court should give the criminals their time and as the years go by they could attend the program during their jail time. My third opinion for sentencing is that if you committed the crime you should get the time, they should not be able to object sentencing to be put in a drug or anger program. My fourth opinion for post incarceration is that even though they aimed at getting chronic offenders to stop committing crime they should also check on the offenders’ behavior while they are in the program to accomplish not having to do the criminal things in their life when they get out of jail when their time comes. My fifth opinion for deferred sentencing is that having to put off the charges the court puts of the sentencing which is a bad idea because the criminals will think that they got away from what they committed those the crime