Examples Of Deviance Research Paper

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Deviance: An Open Ended Question Towan Cook Georgia Gwinnett College Every single person in the world has their own fingerprint, personality, and master status that make them unique. Virtually everyone understands that there are differences among the human race, but we all fail to successfully establish a complete definition for deviance, which essentially means being different. In context, deviance can be described as a historical term that is ever-changing (Curra, 2014). In addition, the text depicts that the only way to be considered deviant is to be judged by someone else, without judgment or disapproval there is technically no deviant act (Curra, 2014). In addition to being different, others may describe deviance as …show more content…

Although this may be true, when considering ones perspective, an act that breaks social norms may seem very normal to the group who is committing the deviant act such as, people of the gothic culture. Therefore, it can be assumed that deviance is not only a historical term, but also a term that relies immensely on perspective. Perspective can be described as, how people use their own experiences to judge a situation. For example, currently in the United States, the use of Marijuana has become less deviant than it has been in the past years. Therefore, when comparing an individual from the “War on Drugs” era, to someone who grew up in the medical marijuana era, there will be different views on marijuana. One can expect the individual from the 1970s to see drug use more deviant than an individual born in the 90s. Deviance does not only extend to the boarders of the United States. In many Middle Eastern countries, women do not have nearly as many rights as their male counterpart. Women are not allowed to travel without a male, hold office, and …show more content…

Pakistan was the first Muslim country to democratically elect a female prime minister, know as Benazir Bhutto (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). Because Benazir was the first women to hold such a prestigious position in a non-feminist country, Benazir was considered to be deviant. Although she was an elected official, there were others who believed that a woman should never hold such a prestigious position (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2014). Women are fully capable of carrying out the same career path of a man; however, it is through culture and learned behavior that one believes that women should not hold such a position and men are