Examples Of Dialectical Journal For Brave New World

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Entry #3 1. Quote: “Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I am not sure about the universe.” -Albert Einstein (Page 315) This quote means a lot to the book and also to me. This book makes the world seem worthless for the unwound people. The people that are going to be unwound have nothing to worry about other than their body, and how they want to get out of the situation. I feel that all of us humans should be treated equally no matter if someone doesn’t want you in their life. We all make up this world and shape it to how we want it to be. Stupidity can have an effect on that too. When we are stupid we can make bad choices. then, further down the road, we will regret how we took the situation. That stupidity will make the world shape how it is today. We have limited time and space in this world that is why we should all make the best of our lives, so then other people that come into this Universe will enjoy too. Our job should be taking our problems and making it not a problem anymore. …show more content…

The characters from this story have evolved into wiser and more mature people. Lev has become more intelligent in many ways. He has made his actions go into his own hands, but Pastor Dan has made his emotional life harder. Even Pastor Dan said it to his face. He said that it was his fault for letting people raise him to be a tithe. Connor is taking everything in a positive way. He is very grateful for what he still has in his life too. Risa was saved by Connor after the Clappers blew up the building she was in. She is still alive because of Connor, and now they are