Examples Of Dialectical Journal For The Chrysalids

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Connector-The Chrysalids The first connection I can make is a text to world connection. The point I would like to relate is how norms and deviations are separated in the book and that can also occur in real life. It is not to the extreme of banning them from the country like how deviations are in Waknuk, but there are several forms of discrimination in the real world. David describes the discrimination of deviations in Waknuk throughout the whole book. However, in chapter 13, David describes the situation of deviations very thoroughly to innocent Petra. “‘Why?’ she asked. ‘Well,’ I tried, ‘you see we’re different from them because they can’t make thought-shapes, and when people are different, ordinary people are afraid of them--’‘Why should they be afraid of us? We aren’t hurting them” …show more content…

This quote states that Petra has a very innocent mind and she is confused as to why people do not like her just because she is “different”. We can see this in real life as well. An example of this would be if someone was a different race or religion they would be discriminated against close-minded people just because they are “different”. In the same manner, deviations are discriminated against because they are “different”. To conclude, I made this connection because we can somewhat connect to this situation. 2. The second connection I can make is also text to world. The point I would like to refer to is when the Sealand people were introduced. As we progress more and more into the book, we find that they are very similar to us. “‘It’s a place with lots and lots of houses, different from Waknuk houses, and much, much bigger. And there are funny carts without horses running along the roads. And things in the air, with whizzing things on top of them--’” (136). This quote indicates that the Sealand people are very technologically advanced, and they have a lot of