
Examples Of Dialectical Reversal Of Otherness

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Gong Yawen December 13, 2016 Crossing Borders Dialectical Reversal of Otherness, DRO Dialectal Reversal of Otherness is an inclusion that is really exclusion at the same time. It is respect that is really a disrespect at the same time. It is listening that is really speaking for at the same time. In general it means two opposite of situations that are happening at the same time. We talked about this example in class, when people say “ you look great today,” but what they actually meant is you look horrible every other day. Back handed compliment is a typical example for DRO. For example, you are smart for a girl, sounds like a compliment but actually it is an insult. The age of “Discovery” (1500-1600) and The Enlightenment (1600-1800) …show more content…

Avant-garde artists were busy changing the history they can see into futuristic scenes. Picasso formed Modernism (1886), misusing the African masks, he said Africa has some culture, but not as European culture. Things outside of the “mainstream” eventually become traditional main stream. Nature and culture are contradictions. Culture is better, and it is the developing. Primitivists that flip the idea. French culture is great, but before culture was better. They try to find a new kind of respect for African creativity, but still reaffirm the idea that Europe is cultured and Africa was not. Respect and disrespect. purity and contamination is DRO. In class, we've learned that Karl Marx’s Dialectical Materialism. It means the tension between economic realities of class conflict. He focused on economic-influenced ideas. It is a reflection of economic power. Ideas that are popular are reflected power in relation to society. Someone always benefits by the idea. For Marx, capitalism eliminated Federal privilege. “The mystical character of commodities does not originate, therefore, in their …show more content…

African musk is used in social ritual. In the Brenton Shepherds (1886), Gaugin attempted to integrate two kinds simplicity. Gaugin turned to what he believed it was like the more primitive way of living in Brittany rather than sophisticated urban center of France. One kind of simplicity is the subject matter - less civilized, simple way of life. Another is deliberate pictorial simplification, rendered in more primitive style. He synthesizes subject matter with technique. Gaugin’s vision of Brittany - it’s his own projection, because in reality it wasn't simple. For example different clothes on ethnic people held important social messages. Things that primitive artists praise as primitive are their own projected desires rather than material reality. African American paintings have historical value for teaching. They use art for social

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