Examples Of Dialecticical And Non-Dialectical Thinking Priming Paradigm

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Study 1 Dialectical/Non-Dialectical Thinking Priming Paradigm In order to induce dialectical (or non-dialectical) mindsets, self-reported cognitive tasks such as thinking about and describing experiences that had both positive and negative consequences for the self (or had either positive or negative consequences for the self) are adopted by previous researchers (Spencer-Rodgers et al., 2004). Because proverbs are useful reflections of cultural norms (Briley et al., 2000; Peng & Nisbett, 1999), researchers have adopted proverbs to identify various thinking styles (Dundes, 1993; Peng & Nisbett, 1999). Examples of dialectical proverbs containing contradiction (i.e., dialectical duality) include the proverb Too much humble is pride, which explicitly contradicts the very meaning of the word humble. Some proverbs may express ideas and/or logic that go against the prevailing cultural norms. For example, the proverb If it is not black, surely it is white makes a distinction of being either black or white. In comparison to a dialectical proverb, a non-dialectical proverb has no such contradiction. Non-dialectical proverbs involve specific mindsets that do not assume the inevitability of opposing elements in everyday occurrences, phenomena, and events. Proverbs of this type also have a long tradition in Eastern cultures. We adopt the priming technique (Wang, Batra, & Chen, 2015) that consists of these two sections: dialectical/non-dialectical proverb tasks and self-reported tasks

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