Examples Of Dog Observation

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I observed the side walk of 142nd and Lenox avenue in Harlem New York. Throughout my observation I have seen a lot of different people. I have seen three people walking their dogs, I am not sure what kind of dog because I am not familiar with dog breeds. However, everyone had a different size dog two of the people who were walking their dog had medium size dogs and one person had a smaller dog. The dog walkers were seen sepreatly at different times of the day not at the same time, one of them was a male and the other two were females. They did not communicate with anyone they just walked their dog and continued down the block until they were no longer visible. I observed that around three o’clock I have seen a lot of school children walking home from school in their uniforms. Many of the children were in groups of five or more and very rambunctious, running around playfully hitting each other. Talking loudly over each other to the point where it almost sound like there was a riot outside because they were so loud. Some of the school kids were waiting at the bus stop …show more content…

She was wearing a knee lengtgh dress that was pink with a blue deniem jacket and white converse sneakers. She was standing aganiist the side of abulding for an afterschool program that is at the end of the block of the side walk. She stayed there for 15 miniutes until the bus got on the M7 bus. Being that the area I live in is right by the 149th st bridge into the Bronx, traffic is usually very heavy around rush hour. I observed rush hr wich lasts for about 2 horus . Even though I was not in traffic it was still very frustrating because drivers were very impatient. They were beeping their horns and the traffic was just moving horribly slow. The buses were also in traffic and they were letting people off of the bus early because it was taking them a very long time to get to the actual bus

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