School Shooting Persuasive Speech

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A week ago, when the news of the Florida shooting popped up on my phone I instantly felt the pain of how tragic this incident was, but I wasn’t shocked; which itself is a tragedy. In the age we are a part of now, violence is slowly becoming something we often hear about. This doesn’t make the events any less unfortunate, but it does say many other things about the way we have started to live our lives. Why have we let ourselves come to the devastating point of not being shocked when we hear about a shooting, let alone a school shooting? These schools are filled with kids, many of who in the eyes of the law aren’t even adults. Is this why every kid is bound to go to school by the law, so they can have their parents sit home and worry about the fact if their kid is going to return home for dinner or have every kid hold their breath when the announcements come …show more content…

The matter of the fact is that we should never have let ourselves degrade to this point, but since we have, it is time to return. It is time to take drastic measures to have stronger school safeguards by having a stronger checking on school guests, having mandatory counselling for all kids or even arm teachers if need be. No parent should have a second thought about sending their kid to school, or spend sleepless nights thinking about their kids living at college. The National Association of School Psychologists had an article about ‘School Violence Protection’, giving a few tips on improving school safety. An important factor mentioned was to “monitor school guest” (NASP school violence protection). Not many schools do this, and it is quite simple to get into a school, by just signing in at the front office for any