Examples Of Ethical Codes Of A Police Department

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Ethical Codes of a Police Department
In police departments across the country, upholding a high standard of ethical conduct is always a priority in everything that a police officer does on a regular basis. In order to uphold the high standards of ethical conduct, many police officers are often bound to act and abide by the ethical responsibilities and procedures set forth in their departments honor code. When it comes to creating an honor code, police departments will normally abide by a similar code used by the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Even though, a city police department 's honor code may be a different level from the code used by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, there are many similarities and differences between the two entities.
Milwaukee Police Honor Code
The Milwaukee County Police Department honor code has nine parts that correlate to each part of a police officer’s duties and responsibilities. The five parts of the honor code are Primary Responsibilities, Performance of Duties, Discretion, Use of Force, Confidentiality, Integrity, Corporation, Personal-Professional Capabilities, and Private Life (“Law Enforcement Code of Conduct”, n.d.). While on duty, each police officer will usually be required to regularly abide by the standards that are set forth in each of these five parts of the honor code.
Primary Responsibilities
The first part of the Milwaukee County Police Department 's honor code states that police officers will