Examples Of Ethical Dilemmas In Education

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There are many ethical dilemmas in education currently; however, the focus of this assignment is the dilemma "A teacher allows the children to hit each other so they can work it out on their own." The teacher has the right intention to give the children the opportunity to work though their conflict to agree on a solution. Educators want to use conflicts as a teaching moment where lessons of conflict resolution and social emotional skills can be applied. However, as educators we must also keep each child in our care safe from harm. According the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct under principles: P-1.1 states "Above all, we shall not harm children. We shall not participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitive, or intimidating to children." This dilemma doesn 't agree with this portion of the code of ethics, the child getting hit isn 't being appropriately protected. While children remain in our care "Above all, we shall not harm", thus, above any lesson or learning opportunities we must first consider the well-being of the child. The teacher can give the students the chance to work through the conflict, until the point it becomes physical then it is appropriate for teacher intervention. Teacher intervention can be an appropriate method to help resolve conflicts, especially when the conflict between children become physical. Teacher intervention is defined as "direct and indirect third party stopping a