Examples Of Ethos Pathos Logos

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When a reader is reading a story or an article, what grabs their attention? The ethos, logos, and pathos are what grabs readers’ attention. Authors use this appeals to grab readers’ attention with facts, quotations, and by making you feel some type of emotion invoking sympathy. By using this appeals authors are able to get through the reader and make an impact enough for the reader to keep reading. Ethos, logos, and pathos are important for any author while writing a story or article to help get their message out to the reader. By way of example, pathos are suppose to make the reader feel some type of emotion to influence an audience. Everybody is going to feel something different depending on how they feel over that subject the article or story is about. For example, …show more content…

Ethos is really important for an author because it’s how it can get across to the reader. There’s many ways authors can plug in ethos to make their article worth reading for the reader. In a article ethos can fit by backing up the message the writer is trying to get through or by how good the article is written. Ethos can be correct grammar, spelling, or even contextualized quotations in a article. If a article has poor grammar or spelling it has a negative affects how people view the article. This negative affect would cause readers to lose interest and not want to finish reading. Grammar and spelling are really important in a article for readers to understand and be able to view the article correctly. Quotations can be used in a article to give the reader another point of view to help understand other sides of the subject. By giving other views of points, it can grab readers attention. Authors can pick good sources to back up their information, which helps them boost their ethos. Ethos can be used so many different ways, which built up to make a huge important part in writing a article or