Examples Of Gender Inequality In Advertising

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We have seen that gender is socially constructed and globalised concept which attributes differing social roles and identities to men and women.Gender differences cause some attitudes which refers as gender inequality almost in all societies.It is one of the most debated topic that many sociologist studied.We can see this gender inequality almost in every part in our life and advertising is one of the most popular area that we see this inequality.”

Advertising is an over $200 billion a year industry. We are each exposed to over 3000 advertisements a day. Yet, remarkably, most of us believe we are not influenced by advertising. Advertisements sell a great deal more than products. They sell values, images, and concepts of success and worth, love and sexuality, popularity and normalcy. They tell us who we are and who we should be. Sometimes they sell addictions”(Kilbourne,2000) Advertising is created on the basis of the demographics of the target audience that expected to view the …show more content…

(2010). Women, advertising and representation) is that The 2011 Lynx advertisement “The cleaner you are, the dirtier you get” is based entirely on presenting the female as an object of desire for the male to enjoy.The model gazes out of the advert at the viewer and as her bikini top is falling off she manages to hold it up by cupping her breasts. The seductive female’s slightly damp hair (which is magically blowing around) invites the dominant male into the shower with her. Manet’s painting and the Lynx advertisement share the similarities that both women are objects of male pleasure, there to be looked at and to sell a product. The Lynx advert is a clear example of how advertising today still depict women as objects and promote gender