Examples Of Gossip In The Crucible

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It’s unbelievable that issues from the very early times, like the Puritan Era, still roam around today. The play, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, contained issues such as gossip and false accusations which still remain current in the twenty-first century society. Gossiping is a very known issue that happens everyday today. Gossiping is the act of talking idly. When gossiping, people usually talk about the personal or private affairs of others. I know this from recent observations, which happen to be at school and also experience because I myself gossip occasionally. For example, people gossip about who wants to fight who, who is now pregnant and still in high school, or simply about the kid who stapled his finger. The gossiping in the play was worse …show more content…

In the play, almost every woman was falsely accused of witchcraft. The people feared for anything strange and out of place and would be quick to judge and accuse. Someone who was falsely accused, for instance, was Elizabeth Proctor, who received a doll as a gift, then later on it resulted in the false accusation that she was doing witchcraft. An event that recently happened was the 14 year old Muslim student, Ahmed, in Texas who built a digital clock he had made from a pencil case and was arrested when he took it to school. Apparently, the teacher saw it as a threat instead of a wonderful job done by a young kid. All Ahmed wanted to do was impress the teacher with his clock, but he got told that he committed the crime of making a hoax bomb. This event spread worldwide with many social awareness. The President of the United States, Barack Obama, also heard and expressed on Twitter that his clock was cool and that “we should inspire more kids like [him] to like science” since that’s “what makes America great." The teacher and the police falsely accused Ahmed for creating a hoax bomb which was probably because he’s Muslim, which is atrocious to see still happen