Examples Of Honesty In Death Of A Salesman

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Adelyn Hower
Ms. Whitt
Honors English 10
10 April 2023
Relationships and Honesty in Death of a Salesman and A Raisin in the Sun

The average American tells four lies every day. Most people will agree that lying is unethical but will proceed to lie in their day-to-day life. Whether these lies are big or small, or whether the intent is good or bad is irrelevant, lying is sneaky and holds information from the other party. Lies can quickly accumulate to cause a significant misunderstanding and possibly result in negative, life-changing events, including destroying once-strong relationships. With-holding information or purposely practicing bad communication with family members can destroy or divide a family, especially across different generations. …show more content…

Though their examples and outcomes vary, both Hansberry and Miller use miscommunication across generational families to display how transparency and honesty in a family leads to healthy relationships. Arthur Miller uses the lack of communication skills to establish the Lowan household as a dysfunctional family unit. Willy rarely listens to or considers the opinions, views, or differences between his family members. Additionally, Linda is hesitant to stand up for herself or speak up and both Happy and Biff are incapable of communicating in a calm and solution-motivated manner. Willy’s judgemental personality is also key in ensuring that most everyone in the family is un-eager to share personal views and ideas. When the family finds the rubber pipe in the basement that Willy plans to kill himself with, Linda is hesitant to take it away herself as its absence may offend and damage Willy’s pride. She says she takes away the pipe but “when he comes home, I put it back where it was” because she questions “how can I insult him that way?”(Miller 60). Additionally, Biff even flat out says that “We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house!” (Miller 131). While talking to Howard, Willy’s poor communication skills …show more content…

The Lowan household displays what happens when betrayal, dishonesty, and lack of communication go unchecked while the Younger family shows how an honest relationship with one’s family members can lead to a strong and united family with people who can lean on each other for support through hard times. The lack of honesty and communication in Death of a Salesman proves that honesty is needed for healthy relationships in a family like the household in A Raisin in the Sun. Conflict is inevidable but the response of the people surrounding it determine how escalated and extreme the outcome becomes. Proper communication and regular practices of honesty allow for families to keep a relatively happy atmosphere within the home and keep relationships strong, united, and