Examples Of Immaturity In Romeo And Juliet

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Imagine getting married as a teenager. In the drama, “Romeo and Juliet,” the couple get married as young, immature teenagers. Through the entire story, Romeo and Juliet face many problems and situations that they struggle to get through. Some people say that these issues made them grow to be more mature by the end of the story. The truth is they are just as immature at the end of the story than when they were at the beginning. The two teens may have been through new situations, but the way they handled them shows how little they have grown maturity wise. Their immaturity and ignorance were what lead to their deaths in the end.
Juliet has shown her immaturity by agreeing to marry Romeo after knowing him only that day. Earlier that day, Juliet’s father had told Paris that he could not marry Juliet because she was not grown-up enough. That alone shows that people do not think that Juliet is mature, but it also shows that Juliet is already planning on marrying somebody else. Juliet falls in lust very easily. She is only attracted to Romeo’s appearance, but she convinces herself that she is in love. …show more content…

It has been shown how easily Romeo falls in “love” with women after seeing how quickly he switched from Rosaline to Juliet. Romeo first acts like he is depressed because he is in love with Rosaline but she is a Capulet, who Romeo’s family has been feuding with for decades. Then Romeo sneaks into a Capulet party and meets Juliet. He thinks that she is the most gorgeous girl to ever exist, and he soon forgets about Rosaline. Romeo claims he is now in love with Juliet, and he wants to marry her. Romeo will also often take very quick actions without thinking. At first, when he heard that Tybalt wanted to fight him he said no because he is now related to him. Then, after Mercutio is killed, he automatically kills