How Did Romeo And Juliet Get Married In 24 Hours?

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In our world, many humans get married upon not knowing one another as well as they should. Unfortunately, humans tend to not care & the marriage ends up turning into something it shouldn't be in the long run. In the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, Romeo, and Juliet should not have gotten married after knowing each other for less than 24 hours due to their lack of reasoning skills, their tendency to make rash decisions, and their information being processed in the emotional center of the brain. To begin with, Romeo and Juliet are foolhardy due to their prefrontal cortex not being thoroughly developed, causing them to act irrationally when deciding to get married. The reason for this is that the prefrontal cortex is responsible for the principles of reason. This part of the brain is less active in …show more content…

He does this because he feels so strongly about his love for Juliet. Romeo and Juliet, being teenagers, aren’t able to “fully [process] information to make responsible decisions” (Wolner 1). This explains why the selections teenagers make are risky. Moreover, teen brains aren’t entirely prepared to make quality choices regarding the commitment of love, adding to the basis of why they rush into getting married without stopping to ponder the outcome. Romeo and Juliet made an ill-thought-out plan and should not have gotten married. Furthermore, Romeo & Juliet falling for one another by just looking at each other and then getting married impulsively didn't result in total thinking about the long run for both individuals and the outcome benefits/differences that will appear. Equally important, the article, “Teenage Dating: Romance and the Brain” says, “Brain structure and chemicals affect the way a teenager first dives into romance” (Walsh 2). Young individuals' brains release hormones called androgens and as time goes by, increasingly they start to develop their first