
Examples Of Inhumanity In Frankenstein

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Through their actions and self-representation, a creature is identified as human. Frankenstein, a graphic novel by Gris Grimly, shows humanity through multiple characters, even in the unexpected. Victor's creation undergoes a series of challenges that demonstrate its classification as a human. The creature exhibits human-like behavior when confronted with events throughout the narrative. He also acts like a monster from time to time, but he overcomes those reactions to show that he is more human than not. Throughout Frankenstein, the creature exhibits human-like emotions and actions, thereby justifying his classification as a human. Gris Grimly portrays Victor's creature as a human by giving him the ability to show, feel, and use emotions like …show more content…

In contrast, the creature has demonstrated instances in which he has not behaved humanly. For instance, when Victor, the creature's creator, discovers how much he despises him, he reacts negatively and declares, “‘My enemy is not impregnable; this death will carry despair to him, and a thousand other miseries shall destroy him’” (Grimly 113). Although the creature has killed someone, he still feels remorse and has the humane capacity to do so. However killing someone is not the best choice, it is still an option. When Victor explains how the creature came to be, he says, “The different accidents of life are not so changeable as the feelings of human nature. I had worked hard for nearly two years, for the sole purpose of infusing life into an inanimate body” (42). However, the creature still possesses human body parts, giving him a human appearance rather than implying that he is not human. In some respects, the creature could be considered a non-human creature. The other argument, that the creature is human, provides a stronger and more relatable argument, demonstrating that the creature has a right to be considered

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