
Examples Of Injustice In The Hate U Give

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Injustice is a lack of fairness or justice given to a person or being. The theme of injustice repeatedly appears throughout the book “The Hate You Give”. For example, when Officer Fifteen shot Khalil he left his body on the street, it’s an obvious use of injustice. Furthermore, the detainment of Starr’s dad for merely arguing with Mr Lewis is an obvious act of injustice. Additionally, when somebody tried to scare Starr’s family the night before she testifies to the grand jury is an obvious use of injustice. There have been many forms of injustice throughout the book “The Hate U Give”. One form of injustice was when Officer 115 left Khalil's body on the street as an exhibit. I know this because evidence from the book says “hey, leave Khalil’s body in the street like it’s an exhibit” (Mercer page 17). This shows that there have been forms of injustice throughout the book.This is the 1 of many ways injustice was shown in “The Hate U Give”. Additionally, Starr was questioning on why …show more content…

This shows how people show up at Starr’s house the night before the testify to the grand jury. This also showed 1 way injustice appeared throughout the book. Additionally, I know that officer One-Fifteen points his gun at Starr because it says in the book ‘’I tell her One-Fifteen pointed his gun at me.“He pointed his gun at you?” she asks.“Yes, ma’am. He kept it on me until the other officers arrived” (Mercer page 127).This shows how officer One - Fifteen points his gun at her. This also shows how injustice appeared throughout the book.This Shows how injustice appeared throughout the

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