Examples Of Mentality In Julius Caesar

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In William Shakespeare's ¨The Tragedy of Julius Caesar¨ after Caesar was killed then both Brutus and Mark Antony gave speeches to the people at Caesar's funeral. They were both trying to persuade the people that their point of view was the right one. Brutus was wanting the people to see that killing Caesar was a good choice and the only way to save Rome from tyranny. Mark Antony on the other hand was wanting the people to see how terrible it was that Caesar was murdered and that there was no reason for him to be killed and that the murders should be punished.

Brutus and Mark Antony both use Mob Mentality which is how people are influenced by their peers to feel a certain way about something. They both try to appeal to the people to make them believe their point of view. Both of them say they care for Cesar. In ¨The Tragedy of Julius Caesar¨ Act 3 Scene 2 page 1 Brutus says ¨ Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.¨ In Act 3 Scene 2 page 3 Mark Antony states ¨He was my friend, faithful and just to me.¨ They both clearly state that they were friends with Caesar and loved him. …show more content…

He says that he killed Caesar for the good of Rome. He is a very stoic character which means he is very logical and listens to reason not emotion. He uses Prose which is for rational and logical thinking. Brutus addresses the people first as Romans because he is telling them that he killed Caesar for Rome. He is telling him that Caesar was getting too ambitious and powerful. He is trying to get that point across that he killed Caesar for them. At the end of his speech then the people were yelling that what they did was right, and that Caesar needed to be