Examples Of Modern Day Slavery In The 21st Century

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The cruelty of slavery is beyond words and the thought of humans treating one of their own kind as animals in a leash is even worse. Said to have been started even before the discovery of The New World in 1492, this practice quickly gained popularity among the high class and spread throughout the world like a plague. Finally, it came to an end, formally, after more than four centuries during the British Empire in 1833. Even though it was abolished through official means it is still prevalent now, in the 21st century. Commonly known as the 21st century evil, slavery has changed its forms; some examples of modern day slavery are trafficking, early and forced marriages, forced labour, bonded labour-the most common type, etc... Slavery still continues today in one form or another in every country in the world. …show more content…

It is a type of bondage of a person or the pledge of their labour as a repayment of a debt or other obligation. They are either threatened or tricked into working for little or no wages due to generational debts. Discriminated and the minorities are most vulnerable due to poverty and illiteracy among them;they are not aware of their own basic rights which makes them invisible to the authorities. ILO estimates that there are 18 million bonded labourers around the globe today. This type of slavery is most common in the Southern Asia.They are subjected to domestic and sexual violence. Most of them work in brick factories, carpet factories, agriculture, etc.. The on the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery Institution and practices similar to slavery (1956) does prohibit it at an international