
How Does Slavery Still Exist Today

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Slavery has been around for a very long time. Ever since the start of civilization, it has been around. The transatlantic slave trade however, has been around since the 1500’s, and it is estimated that twelve million slaves made the trip from Africa to the Americas into slavery. Slavery today is still present; it’s still slavery. It’s just that things are different today. Many of the types of slavery that existed hundreds of years ago do still exist today, but they are much more under the radar. Although the ideology of slavery has remained rather similar, the institution of slavery itself has changed over the last few centuries as a result of the economic need for labor, and who is doing the “slavery”.
When Europe expanded, so did slavery. The newfound lands and trade routes made slavery more of a necessity as well as made it easier to obtain slaves through the trans-atlantic slave trade. This was all based on the triangular trading routes of Africa, America, and Europe. However, slavery today isn’t used in many of the same circumstances. There isn’t a legal, open to the public slave market anymore. Economies around the world have changed so that slavery isn’t a need. New Technological advances have made it so people can go about their lives without needing to enslave someone to do their …show more content…

People hated the idea of it so much, it even caused a civil war between the North and South in the United States. Abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass and other groups like the American Anti-Slavery Society tried vigorously to end slavery as well. The slave trade was abolished by many countries during the 1800s, such as Great Britain in 1807. and America in 1865. Slavery appeared to be gone by the 20th century, but that was too good to be true. Ever since slavery was abolished in many places across the world, people have figured out ways to dodge laws, policies, and human rights that have been implemented into

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