
Is Slavery Still Relevant Today

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Slavery first started in the year of 1400. Slavery was mostly everywhere because that is how the society survived. In the year of 1865, slavery was abolished. Although it was abolished, it does not mean the slaves began to be treated fairly. We are now in the year of 2016 and even with slavery being abolished it is still taking place today. There are all types of slavery that exist today. We the people need to get rid of this slavery. Today slavery exists almost everywhere. There are five nations that hold most of the slaves that we have in our society today. Those nations are India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Uzbekistan (The Atlantic). These nations are not the only places with slaves, but they are the places the have the most slaves …show more content…

These types of labor are considered as slavery because the people doing the work are being forced to do whatever it is that they are doing. For instance, domestic servitude is when nannies or housemaids are not allowed to leave where they are working. Since they are being forced to do something they are to be considered slaves. Here in the United States a woman wanted someone to work in her home for her but she did not want to spend the money to pay for that. So instead of paying for someone to be a housemaid, she convinced a family in Mexico to let her tutor their daughter. She took the family’s daughter and held her captive. She then took the daughter of the family back to her home to do lawn work (Domestic Servitude | Enslavement of Live-in Help - End Slavery Now). The woman was captured and is no in prison. Although she was put away does not mean we have gotten all of the people who are enslaving other people. We still have much work to do to stop slavery in our …show more content…

The slaves are physically confined or restrained and forced to work, or controlled through violence, or treated as property (21st-Century Slaves @ National Geographic Magazine). In the past, slaves were treated very similarly. I think that in the past it was probably worse because it was allowed. Now that slavery is not allowed the people who are holding the slaves have to be more cautious. They have to be more cautious because if their slave were to escape they could go and report to the police that there is someone holding people captive. The police would then go and find this person and this person would be put in jail for holding people captive as slaves. Unfortunately with today’s technology that may be harder because we, as humans, are able to program things so well that it could be impossible for a slave to ever get out of where they are trapped. Slaves in modern society compare to slaves in Pre-Civil war America because they are almost treated similarly. The slaves were used to doing things that other people were too lazy to do. They are also similar because the slaves in both times have no type of advantage whatsoever. There might be those people who are nicer to their slaves, but they were both never allowed to leave unless told

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