Examples Of Narrative Voice In The Hobbit

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John C. Maxwell reminds us, "People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude." Ten 1st grader words containing so much meaning. Mostly in one 9 letter word, known as attitude. The attitude in words is an amazing measurement of who someone or something is. It reflects their personality and their thought process. It can show you so much about them. When it comes to attitude or voice, there is no separation from the real world and pages of ink. In books, attitude and voice can be shown through many different narrative voices. One particular book that stands out for its narration is The Hobbit. In The Hobbit, the clever mix of narrative voices, creates a sense of suspense, connects you to the story personally, and creates its own character …show more content…

Although it's not introduced in the book, I consider the narrator as his own character. The main reason I consider him or her a character is that he gives us clues that he is a real person from that time and not just someone watching from above. One clue that jumped out at me was the quote "If you had heard only a quarter of what I have heard about him, and I have only heard very little of all there is to hear," referring to Gandalf and his wonderful tales when we first meet him (Tolkien 3). Once again, the narrator effectively conveys a clue through his 2nd person. In this case, it's that he refers to himself as I. This reference to himself really delves into your imagination of who this could be. Over time you slowly discover more about him. At the beginning of chapter 14, you learn that the narrator is involved in all news as seen with the idea that he knew what happened at Lake-town. You also learn that the narrator agrees with the elves, dwarves and other groups of people about how the goblins are evil. But, you never truly find out who he is. It's as if the author was taunting you. In this case, the quote shows us that the author has heard great tales of Gandalf which means that he is a living person and that he is involved or interested in